среда, 22 февраля 2012 г.

CEI-Cleveland Hts. School holds tree plant ceremony. (Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., Cleveland Heights School)


CLEVELAND, April 27 -- Some 400 students at Noble Road Elementary School in Cleveland Heights will celebrate Arbor Day with a tree planting ceremony at 1 p.m. on April 28.

CEI is sponsoring the ceremony in cooperation with Cleveland Heights Public Schools. The company will provide an eight-foot sour gum tree for the event.

CEI Forester Al Klonowski will demonstrate proper tree planting techniques and will distribute a CEI booklet which explains the importance of keeping trees and branches a safe distance from power lines. 

Also during the cermeony, Noble Road Elementary students will perform several skits re-enacting the first Arbor Day.

-0- 4/27/89
/CONTACT: Todd Schneider of CEI's Public Information Department, 216-479-4905/ CO: Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company ST: Ohio IN: UTI KK -- CL002 -- 5584 04-27-89 08:25 EDT

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