четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Fed: new progam to help school kids on the move

Fed: new progam to help school kids on the move

CANBERRA, Dec 15 AAP - Children forced to change schools when their parents move interstateshould find the ordeal less traumatic following two federal government initiatives announcedtoday.

The government will provide $300,000 for two projects to help the children cope withbeing thrown into new school environments.

Education Minister Brendan Nelson and Assistant Defence Minister Dana Vale said theprojects will identify and deliver practical strategies and information to students onhow best to cope.

The projects will particularly target children of Defence personnel.

Dr Nelson said the projects implemented two recommendations of a report commissionedjointly by the Defence Department and the Education Department into the effects of mobilityon students.

"Changing Schools: Its Impact on Student Learning confirmed what many parents haveintuitively known - changing schools is made easier when the child is settled both sociallyand emotionally," he said in a statement.

AAP dep/sco/br


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